I recall having heard one morning on KEXP that pedestrians have the right of way at all Seattle intersections (I was driving down Pine to downtown, tons of pedestrians, few signals) . It was a brief, throw-away comment swallowed immediately by the rhythm of some John-in-the-morning tune, but it's been stuck in my head ever since and I've wanted to check it out.
This afternoon, while I was reading about bicycle rights in Seattle, I hopped over to the "Pedestrian" section and learned that it's true: pedestrians have the right of way at Seattle intersections, not just marked crosswalks. Specifically...
WAC 132E-16-040
Pedestrians -- Right of way.
(1) Stopping for pedestrian. The operator of an approaching vehicle shall stop and remain stopped to allow a pedestrian to cross the roadway within a crosswalk unmarked or marked when the pedestrian is upon or within one lane of the half of the roadway upon which the vehicle is traveling or onto which it is turning.
So cars, stop for pedestrians at crosswalks (unmarked or marked), and pedestrians, watch out for cars that haven't read WAC 123E-16-040 or the "Hang Up and Drive" legislation to become law on July first of this year.