Inspired by a recent post by Bus Chick, I snapped this (phone camera) shot a few minutes ago near my house in the Rainier Valley. I saw lots of tiny blooms on my walk to and from Dahlia Spa. Seeing new blooms in Seattle means that it must be February. The days are finally getting a little longer, and soon we'll all be making vitamin D again. It turns out to be just about the nicest day in recent memory here: thin cloud-cover and a mild 57-degrees as I write.
Tonight I begin a week of night shifts on the SFM inpatient service. The transition into nights is always tough, but easier than returning to days. No one much enjoys my cross attitude during the days that follow night float. Fortunately for my family, it doesn't happen that often.
If I'm lucky, I'll get some good posts in over the next several nights. A hospital at night is a strange and wonderful place--so is the company one keeps. More from the other side.