Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Inevitable Thanksgiving How-To

This mornings New York Times online features a six-minute instructional video on Turkey carving. Good stuff for the perfectionist looking for "maximum yield" from the holiday fowl. This is the first T-Day how-to I've encountered this year, perhaps because we don't have a television, I spend most of my time trying to read all the stuff on my feed-reader, and reading medical journals. But I do listen to NPR, and those guys always do some cutesy bit, like the Mama Stamberg's nasty cranberry stuff made with soap residue and cat litter. I didn't hear any NPR odes to Thanksgiving food, but that's just because I missed them.

And I missed Martha, and Rachel, and Ellen...

Are people looking for instructions for a better Thanksgiving bird? Yes. A search on my new favorite toy, Google Trends, produced a nice graphic description of turkey cooking searches (seen at right, in real time), spiking on Thursday morning. Most of the "hottest" searches this morning have something to do with Thanksgiving (with the bizarre exception of #11, trichophagia...yuck).

So now I'm off, with Zoƫ, to do my own last-minute Thanksgiving shopping for stuff I could have bought yesterday if I'd thought it through. I'm making a spinach madeleine to take to my sister's house.